
    The Field Component renders a form control and handles input value updates and validations. Changes to the <Field> value are automatically propagated back up to the containing Form Component.


    In the simplest cases <Field>s provide a light abstraction over normal input components. Fields shouls provide a name mapping the input to a branch of the central form data. Providing values and onChange handlers is taken take care of, as well as basic value coalescing for multiple selects and checkbox groups.

    You can manually control the type and sort of input via the as prop (for textareas and selects), and the type prop for inputs same as with plain HTML inputs. Fields always provide value and onChange props to their inputs.

    Checkbox and Radios

    Create a unified set of checkbox/radio input's that map to a single form field by using multiple <Field>s with the same name.

    Use groups of checkboxes to represent list values. React Formal will intelligently insert or remove items if the current field value is an array or, absent a value, the schema for the field is a yup.array().

    Custom components

    Fields are not limited to native input components. You can pass any component type to as. The only required interface a component needs to respect is the value/onChange pattern for controlled fields.

    For a better typed experience with TypeScript, consider using the render prop API instead.

    import Form from "../components/FormWithResult";
    import DropdownList from "react-widgets/lib/DropdownList";
    <Form defaultValue={{ color: "red" }}>
    Favorite Colors
    <Form.Field name="color">
    {props => (
    data={["Red", "Yellow", "Blue", "Other"]}

    In addition to injecting <Field> components with events and the field value, a special prop called meta is also provided to all Field renderer components. meta contains helpful context and methods for doing manual field operations.

    interface FieldMeta {
    value: any; // the Field Value
    valid: boolean; // Whether the field is currently valid
    invalid: boolean; // inverse of valid
    touched: boolean: // whether the field has been touched yet
    errors: Errors; // the errors for this field
    schema?: YupSchema; // the schema for this field
    context?: Record<string, any>; // a yup context object
    nativeTagName: 'input' | 'select'; // The inferred native HTML element.
    nativeType: string; // The inferred HTML input type, only valid for 'input's
    // onError allows manually _replacing_ errors for the Field `name`
    // any existing errors for this path will be removed first
    onError(errors: Errors): void
    // The same callback passed to field components
    // for updating (and validating) a field value
    onChange(nextFieldValue: any): void


    Field validation is automatically enabled for Fields with cooresponding Form schema. Fields inject onChange and onBlur handlers to fire a validation. Field validation is debounced (see Form delay) to reduce unnecessary checks while the user is still engaging with the input. Validation can be disabled per field with the noValidate prop.

    Trigger Events

    Validation trigger events can be finely controlled via the validateOn prop. Events control which handlers <Field> passes to the input it renders. Multiple triggers can be configured using an object configuration.

    For more complex situations validateOn accepts a function that is based the meta for the field and can conditionally return events based on context.

    Preset Strategies

    As a convenience React Formal exports a few common trigger configurations you can mix and match if that is helpful.

    import { ValidateStrategies } from "react-formal";
    const {
    } = ValidateStrategies;
    <Form schema={schema}>
    <Form.Field name="email" validateOn={Blur} />
    <Form.Message for="email" className="error" />

    There is nothing special about these strategies, and you can roll your own easily. These are provied as a small convenience.


    import Form from 'react-formal';const Field = Form.Field


    The Component Input the form should render. You can sepcify a native element such as 'input' or 'select' or provide a Component type class directly. When no type is provided the Field will attempt determine the correct input from the Field's schema. A Field corresponding to a yup.number() will render a type='number' etc.

    Custom Inputs should comply with the basic input api contract: set a value via a value prop and broadcast changes to that value via an onChange handler.



    When children is the traditional react element or nodes, they are passed through as-is to the Field type component.

    <Field type='select'>

    When children is a function, its called with the processed field props and field meta.

    Tip: you can pass onChange and onBlur handlers to the <Field> component and it will handle merging them with its own injected handlers.

    <Field name='birthDate'>
    {(props, meta) =>
    <Input {...props} />




    The css class added to the Field Input when it fails validation



    Indicates whether child paths of the current Field affect the active state of the field.

    - 'first'
    - 'last'

    Are all considered "part" of a field named 'names' by default. Does not affect which paths are validated, only whether meta.valid considers child paths for its state.



    Instruct the field to not inject the meta prop into the input, defaults to true when as is a non DOM component



    Customize how the Field value maps to the overall Form value. mapFromValue can be a a string property name or a function that returns a value for name'd path, allowing you to set commuted values from the Field.

    mapFromValue={fieldValue => `${fieldValue.first} ${fieldValue.last}`}

    You can also provide an object hash, mapping paths of the Form value to fields in the field value using a string field name, or a function accessor.



    Map the Form value to the Field value. By default the name of the Field is used to extract the relevant property from the Form value.

    mapToValue={model=> pick(model, 'location', 'locationId')}


    The Field name, which should be path corresponding to a specific form value path.

    // given the form value
    value = {
    name: { first: '' }
    languages: ['english', 'spanish']
    // the path "name.first" would update the "first" property of the form value
    <Form.Field name='name.first' />
    // use indexes for paths that cross arrays
    <Form.Field name='languages[0]' />


    Disables validation for the Field.



    A local onBlur handler, will be merged with the injected onBlur

    type:(args: any[]) => any


    A local onChange handler, will be merged with the injected onChange

    type:(args: any[]) => any


    An HTML input type attribute



    Configure whether validation occur: onChange, onBlur, or both You can also specify a function that receives the Field meta object and returns a configuration map in order to change validation strategies based on validity or other metadata.



    Tells the Field to trigger validation for specific paths. Useful when used in conjuction with a mapFromValue hash that updates more than one value, or if you want to trigger validation for the parent path as well.

    NOTE! This overrides the default behavior of validating the field itself by name, include the name if you want the field to validate itself.

    <Form.Field name='name.first' validates="name.last" />
    <Form.Field name='name' validates={['name', 'surname']} />


    A value to pass to checkboxs/radios/boolean inputs
